Publicaciones Científicas Dr. Marco Arrese

- Arab JP, Vargas JI, Morales C, Arrese M. Black hairy tongue during interferon therapy for hepatitis C. Ann Hepatol 2015;14:414-415.
- Arguello G, Balboa E, Arrese M, Zanlungo S. Recent insights on the role of cholesterol in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Biochim Biophys Acta 2015.
- Arrese M, Cabrera D, Barrera F. Obeticholic acid: expanding the therapeutic landscape of NASH. Ann Hepatol 2015;14:430-432.
- Arrese M, Eguchi A, Feldstein AE. Circulating microRNAs: emerging biomarkers of liver disease. Semin Liver Dis 2015;35:43-54.
- Barrera F, Zúñiga P, Arrese M. Prediction of Esophageal Variceal Bleeding in Liver Cirrhosis: Is There a Role for Hemostatic Factors? Seminars in Thrombosis & Hemostasis 2015.
- Candia R, Ruiz A, Torres-Robles R, Chavez-Tapia N, Mendez-Sanchez N, Arrese M. Risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with psoriasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2015;29:656-662.
- Chavez-Tapia NC, González-Rodríguez L, Seung Jeong M, López-Ramírez Y, Barbero-Becerra V, Juárez-Hernández E, Romero-Flores JL, et al. Current evidence on the use of probiotics in liver diseases. Journal of Functional Foods 2015;17:137–151.
- Cortes V, Amigo L, Zanlungo S, Galgani J, Robledo F, Arrese M, Bozinovic F, et al. Metabolic effects of cholecystectomy: gallbladder ablation increases basal metabolic rate through G-protein coupled bile acid receptor Gpbar1-dependent mechanisms in mice. PLoS One 2015;10:e0118478.
- European Association for the Study of the Liver, Hígado. ALpeEd, Chan HYL, Arrese M, Afdhal N, Bedossa P, Friedrich-Rust M, et al. EASL-ALEH Clinical Practice Guidelines: Non-invasive tests for evaluation of liver disease severity and prognosis. Journal of Hepatology 2015.
- Perez G, Kattan E, Collins L, Wright AC, Rybertt T, Gonzalez A, Sirhan M, et al. [Assessment for learning: experience in an undergraduate medical theoretical course]. Rev Med Chil 2015;143:329-336.
- Pizarro M, Solis N, Quintero P, Barrera F, Cabrera D, Rojas-de Santiago P, Arab JP, et al. Beneficial effects of mineralocorticoid receptor blockade in experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Liver Int 2015.
- Soza A, Labbe P, Arrese M, Riquelme A, Barrera F, Benitez C, Huete A, et al. Mycobacterium abscessus pulmonary infection during hepatitis C treatment with telaprevir, peginterferon and ribavirin. Ann Hepatol 2015;14:132-136.
- Robles-Diaz M, Lucena MI, Kaplowitz N, Stephens C, Medina-Caliz I, Gonzalez-Jimenez A, et al. Use of Hy s Law and a New Composite Algorithm to Predict Acute Liver Failure in Patients with Drug-induced Liver Injury. Gastroenterology. 2014 Apr 1.
- Hernandez N, Bessone F, Sanchez A, di Pace M, Brahm J, Zapata R, et al. Profile of idiosyncratic drug induced liver injury in Latin America. An analysis of published reports. Ann Hepatol. 2014 Mar-Apr;13(2):231-9.
- Lopez-Velazquez JA, Silva-Vidal KV, Ponciano-Rodriguez G, Chavez-Tapia NC, Arrese M, Uribe M, et al. The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the Americas. Ann Hepatol. 2014 Mar-Apr;13(2):166-78.
- Mendez L, Lagoa M, Quiroga T, Margozzini P, Azocar L, Molina HR, et al. [Prevalence of Gilbert syndrome and its genetic determinants in Chile]. Rev Med Chil. 2013 Oct;141(10):1266-74.
- Norero B, Perez-Ayuso RM, Duarte I, Ramirez P, Soza A, Arrese M, et al. Portal hypertension and acute liver failure as uncommon manifestations of primary amyloidosis. Ann Hepatol. 2013 Jan-2014 Feb;13(1):142-9.
- Solis N, Pizarro M, Quintero P, Arab JP, Riquelme A, Padilla O, et al. Effects of bile acid sequestration on hepatic steatosis in obese mice. Ann Hepatol. 2013 Jan-2014 Feb;13(1):105-12.
- Tejos R, Padilla O, Pizarro M, Solis N, Arab JP, Margozzini P, et al. [Serum levels of alanine aminotransferase in Chilean population: analysis of results of the national health survey 2009-2010]. Rev Med Chil. 2013 Jul;141(7):909-16.
- Quintero P, Arrese M. Nuclear control of inflammation and fibrosis in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: therapeutic potential of dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha/delta agonism. Hepatology. 2013 Dec;58(6):1881-4.
- Quintero P, Arrese M. Regulation of bile acid metabolism: new insights from inside. Hepatology. 2013 Nov;58(5):1850-3.
- Nervi F, Arrese M. Cholecystectomy and NAFLD: does gallbladder removal have metabolic consequences? Am J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jun;108(6):959-61.
- Serrano Garcia C, Barrera F, Labbe P, Liberona J, Arrese M, Irarrazabal P, et al. [Quantification of visceral adipose tissue using magnetic resonance imaging compared with anthropometry, in type 2 diabetic patients]. Rev Med Chil. 2012 Dec;140(12):1535-43.
- Perez-Gutierrez OZ, Hernandez-Rocha C, Candia-Balboa RA, Arrese MA, Benitez C, Brizuela-Alcantara DC, et al. Validation study of systems for noninvasive diagnosis of fibrosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Latin population. Ann Hepatol. 2013 May-Jun;12(3):416-24.
- Arab JP, Meneses L, Perez RM, Arrese M, Benitez C. Hepatic encephalopathy in a liver transplant recipient with stable liver function. Hepatology. 2013 Apr;57(4):1672-4.
- Benitez CE, Rey P, Zoroquiain P, Martinez J, Ramirez P, Arrese M, et al. Early-onset EBV-positive post-transplant plasmablastic lymphoma arising in a liver allograft: a case report and literature review. Int J Surg Pathol. 2013 Aug;21(4):404-10.
- Gabrielli M, Moisan F, Vidal M, Duarte I, Jimenez M, Izquierdo G, et al. Steatotic livers. Can we use them in OLTX? Outcome data from a prospective baseline liver biopsy study. Ann Hepatol. 2012 Nov-Dec;11(6):891-8.
- Bessone F, Hernandez N, Davalos M, Parana R, Schinoni MI, Lizarzabal M, et al. Building a Spanish-Latin American network on drug induced liver injury: much to get from a joint collaborative initiative. Ann Hepatol. 2012 Jul-Aug;11(4):544-9.
- Arrese M. The liver in painting: a case of abstraction. Liver Int. 2012 Jul;32(6):873-4.
- Sanchez Casado M, Quintana Diaz M, Palacios D, Hortiguela V, Marco Schulke C, Garcia J, et al. [Relationship between the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient and PaO(2)/FiO(2)-introducing PEEP into the model]. Med Intensiva. 2012 Jun-Jul;36(5):329-34.
- Candia R, Riquelme A, Baudrand R, Carvajal CA, Morales M, Solis N, et al. Overexpression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in visceral adipose tissue and portal hypercortisolism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Liver Int. 2012 Mar;32(3):392-9.
- Espino A, Villagran A, Vollrath V, Hanckes P, Salas R, Farah A, et al. Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 serum levels and 4G/5G gene polymorphism in morbidly obese Hispanic patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Ann Hepatol. 2011 Oct-Dec;10(4):493-501.
- Baudrand R, Dominguez JM, Carvajal CA, Riquelme A, Campino C, Macchiavello S, et al. Overexpression of hepatic 5alpha-reductase and 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in visceral adipose tissue is associated with hyperinsulinemia in morbidly obese patients. Metabolism. 2011 Dec;60(12):1775-80.
- Benitez C, Arancibia JP, Arrese M, Soza A, Dominguez P, Jarufe N, et al. Operational tolerance after liver transplantation, more common than we think: a case report. Ann Hepatol. 2011 Jul-Sep;10(3):361-4.
- Salech F, Valderrama S, Nervi B, Rodriguez JC, Oksenberg D, Koch A, et al. Thalidomide for the treatment of metastatic hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: a case report with a long term follow-up. Ann Hepatol. 2011 Jan-Mar;10(1):99-102.
- Von Bernhardi R, Zanlungo S, Arrese M, Arteaga A, Rigotti A. [The metabolic syndrome: from an aggravating condition to a pathogenic risk factor for chronic diseases]. Rev Med Chil. 2010 Aug;138(8):1012-9.
- Arrese M. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: liver disease: an overlooked complication of diabetes mellitus. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2010 Dec;6(12):660-1.
- Amigo L, Husche C, Zanlungo S, Lutjohann D, Arrese M, Miquel JF, et al. Cholecystectomy increases hepatic triglyceride content and very-low-density lipoproteins production in mice. Liver Int. 2011 Jan;31(1):52-64.
- Arrese M, Riquelme A, Soza A. Insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis and hepatitis C: a complex relationship with relevant clinical implications. Ann Hepatol. 2010;9 Suppl:112-8.
- Soza A, Riquelme A, Arrese M. Routes of transmission of hepatitis C virus. Ann Hepatol. 2010;9 Suppl:33.
- Arab JP, Ramirez C, Arrese M. Early warning of liver disease in diabetics. Ann Hepatol. 2010 Jul-Sep;9(3):307-9.
- Arrese M, Karpen SJ. Nuclear receptors, inflammation, and liver disease: insights for cholestatic and fatty liver diseases. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Apr;87(4):473-8.
- Gabrielli M, Vivanco M, Hepp J, Martinez J, Perez R, Guerra J, et al. Liver transplantation results for hepatocellular carcinoma in Chile. Transplant Proc. 2010 Jan-Feb;42(1):299-301.
- Vivanco M, Gabrielli M, Jarufe N, Humeres R, Rios H, Palacios JM, et al. Bridge therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma before liver transplantation: the experience of two Chilean centers. Transplant Proc. 2010 Jan-Feb;42(1):296-8.
- Nazal L, Riquelme A, Solis N, Pizarro M, Escalona A, Burotto M, et al. Hypoadiponectinemia and its association with liver fibrosis in morbidly obese patients. Obes Surg. 2010 Oct;20(10):1400-7.
- Fickert P, Fuchsbichler A, Moustafa T, Wagner M, Zollner G, Halilbasic E, et al. Farnesoid X receptor critically determines the fibrotic response in mice but is expressed to a low extent in human hepatic stellate cells and periductal myofibroblasts. Am J Pathol. 2009 Dec;175(6):2392-405.
- Trauner M, Arrese M, Wagner M. Fatty liver and lipotoxicity. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2010 Mar;1801(3):299-310.
- Arab JP, Ramirez C, Munoz P, Pizarro M, Solis N, Riquelme A, et al. Effects of Japanese herbal medicine Inchin-ko-to on endotoxin-induced cholestasis in the rat. Ann Hepatol. 2009 Jul-Sep;8(3):228-33.
- Arrese M, Riquelme A. The value of serum adipokine measurement in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Liver Int. 2009 Oct;29(9):1291-3.
- Baudrand R, Carvajal CA, Riquelme A, Morales M, Solis N, Pizarro M, et al. Overexpression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in hepatic and visceral adipose tissue is associated with metabolic disorders in morbidly obese patients. Obes Surg. 2010 Jan;20(1):77-83.
- Benitez C, Arrese M, Jorquera J, Godoy I, Contreras A, Loyola S, et al. Successful treatment of severe hepatopulmonary syndrome with a sequential use of TIPS placement and liver transplantation. Ann Hepatol. 2009 Jan-Mar;8(1):71-4.
- Mellado P, Peredo P, Valenzuela R, Arrese M, Perez RM, Dominguez P, et al. [Neurological complications following a liver transplantation: experience from a Chilean center]. Rev Med Chil. 2008 Oct;136(10):1255-63.
- Arrese M. Burning hepatic fat: therapeutic potential for liver-specific thyromimetics in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Hepatology. 2009 Feb;49(2):348-51.
- Zuniga S, Molina H, Azocar L, Amigo L, Nervi F, Pimentel F, et al. Ezetimibe prevents cholesterol gallstone formation in mice. Liver Int. 2008 Aug;28(7):935-47.
- Arrese M. The liver in poetry: Neruda’s ‘Ode to the liver’. Liver Int. 2008 Aug;28(7):901-5.
- Hepp J, Zapata R, Buckel E, Martinez J, Uribe M, Diaz JC, et al. [General considerations, indications and contraindications for liver transplantation in Chile: a multicenter consensus development document]. Rev Med Chil. 2008 Jun;136(6):793-804.
- Arab JP, Pizarro M, Solis N, Sun H, Thevananther S, Arrese M. Mild hypothermia does not affect liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in mice. Liver Int. 2009 Mar;29(3):344-8.
- Riquelme A, Arrese M, Soza A, Morales A, Baudrand R, Perez-Ayuso RM, et al. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its association with obesity, insulin resistance and increased serum levels of C-reactive protein in Hispanics. Liver Int. 2009 Jan;29(1):82-8.
- Arrese M, Macias RI, Briz O, Perez MJ, Marin JJ. Molecular pathogenesis of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Expert Rev Mol Med. 2008;10:e9.
- Marin JJ, Macias RI, Briz O, Perez MJ, Blazquez AG, Arrese M, et al. Molecular bases of the fetal liver-placenta-maternal liver excretory pathway for cholephilic compounds. Liver Int. 2008 Apr;28(4):435-54.
- Molina H, Azocar L, Ananthanarayanan M, Arrese M, Miquel JF. Localization of the Sodium-Taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide in membrane rafts and modulation of its activity by cholesterol in vitro. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2008 May;1778(5):1283-91.
- Wills SJ, Arrese M, Torrance A, Lloyd S, Pratschke K, Whitbread T, et al. Pneumonyssoides species infestation in two Pekingese dogs in the UK. J Small Anim Pract. 2008 Feb;49(2):107-9.
- Butte JM, Devaud N, Jarufe NP, Boza C, Perez G, Torres J, et al. Sleeve gastrectomy as treatment for severe obesity after orthotopic liver transplantation. Obes Surg. 2007 Nov;17(11):1517-9.
- Mendez-Sanchez N, Arrese M, Zamora-Valdes D, Uribe M. Treating nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Liver Int. 2007 Nov;27(9):1157-65.
- Riquelme A, Soza A, Pedreros C, Bustamante A, Valenzuela F, Otarola F, et al. Optimal length of triple therapy for H pylori eradication in a population with high prevalence of infection in Chile. World J Gastroenterol. 2007 Jun 7;13(21):2967-72.
- Ibanez P, Solis N, Pizarro M, Aguayo G, Duarte I, Miquel JF, et al. Effect of losartan on early liver fibrosis development in a rat model of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Jun;22(6):846-51.
- Cerda C, Perez-Ayuso RM, Riquelme A, Soza A, Villaseca P, Sir-Petermann T, et al. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Hepatol. 2007 Sep;47(3):412-7.
- Mendez-Sanchez N, Arrese M, Zamora-Valdes D, Uribe M. Current concepts in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Liver Int. 2007 May;27(4):423-33.
- Arrese M. Cholestasis during pregnancy: rare hepatic diseases unmasked by pregnancy. Ann Hepatol. 2006 Jul-Sep;5(3):216-8.
- Arrese M, Reyes H. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: a past and present riddle. Ann Hepatol. 2006 Jul-Sep;5(3):202-5.
- Riquelme A, Calvo M, Salech F, Valderrama S, Pattillo A, Arellano M, et al. Value of adenosine deaminase (ADA) in ascitic fluid for the diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis: a meta-analysis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2006 Sep;40(8):705-10.
- Jarufe N, Soza A, Perez-Ayuso RM, Poblete JA, Gonzalez R, Guajardo M, et al. Successful liver transplantation and delivery in a woman with fulminant hepatic failure occurring during the second trimester of pregnancy. Liver Int. 2006 May;26(4):494-7.
- Vial P, Riquelme A, Pizarro M, Solis N, Madariaga JA, Aguayo G, et al. Pentoxifylline does not prevent neither liver damage nor early profibrogenic events in a rat model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Ann Hepatol. 2006 Jan-Mar;5(1):25-9.
- Arrese M, Miquel JF, Ananthanarayanan M. BetaKlotho: a new kid on the bile acid biosynthesis block. Hepatology. 2006 Jan;43(1):191-3.
- Boza C, Riquelme A, Ibanez L, Duarte I, Norero E, Viviani P, et al. Predictors of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in obese patients undergoing gastric bypass. Obes Surg. 2005 Sep;15(8):1148-53.
- Gonzalez R, Soza A, Hernandez V, Perez RM, Alvarez M, Morales A, et al. Incidence and prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in Chile. Ann Hepatol. 2005 Apr-Jun;4(2):127-30.
- Soza A, Riquelme A, Gonzalez R, Alvarez M, Perez-Ayuso RM, Glasinovic JC, et al. Increased orocecal transit time in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Dig Dis Sci. 2005 Jun;50(6):1136-40.
- Soza A, Arrese M, Gonzalez R, Alvarez M, Perez RM, Cortes P, et al. Clinical and epidemiological features of 147 Chilean patients with chronic hepatitis C. Ann Hepatol. 2004 Oct-Dec;3(4):146-51.
- Arrese M, Ananthanarayanan M. The bile salt export pump: molecular properties, function and regulation. Pflugers Arch. 2004 Nov;449(2):123-31.
- Pizarro M, Balasubramaniyan N, Solis N, Solar A, Duarte I, Miquel JF, et al. Bile secretory function in the obese Zucker rat: evidence of cholestasis and altered canalicular transport function. Gut. 2004 Dec;53(12):1837-43.
- Pattillo JC, Kusanovic R, Salas P, Reyes J, Garcia-Huidobro I, Sanhueza M, et al. [Outpatient laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Experience in 357 patients]. Rev Med Chil. 2004 Apr;132(4):429-36.
- Riquelme A, Soza A, Nazal L, Martinez G, Kolbach M, Patillo A, et al. Histological resolution of steatohepatitis after iron depletion. Dig Dis Sci. 2004 Jun;49(6):1012-5.
- ARRESE M, Pizarro M, Solís N, Accatino L.»Pregnancy and hepatic transport: implications for the pathogenesis of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy». In:»Bile Acids and Pregnancy». U. Leuschner, P.A. Berg, J. Holtmeier (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/Londres. Pp. 39-45, 2002
- Arrese M, Ibañez P. Colestasia. En: Weitz JC, Berger Z, Sabah S, Silva H. (eds.) Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las enfermedades digestivas. Editorial IKU. Santiago, Chile. pp. 170-177.
- Accatino L., Arrese M, Pizarro N, Solís. Mecanismos de daño hepático por isquemia y reperfusión y sus proyecciones clínicas. En: Mendez-Sanchez N, Uribe M (eds). Conceptos actuales en Hepatología, Masson-Doyma-Mexico SA, Ciudad de México 2003. pp: 283-288
- Soza A, Martínez J, Pérez-Ayuso RM, Arrese M. “Insuficiencia hepática aguda”. Páginas 534-546. En: Medicina Intensiva. Editores: Bugedo G, Castillo L, Dougnac A. Editorial Mediterráneo. 2005. Santiago, Chile.
- Arrese M. Colestasis. En: Weitz JC, Berger Z, Sabah S, Silva H. (eds.) Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las enfermedades digestivas. Editorial IKU. Santiago, Chile. 2008 pp. 250-258.
- Arrese M, Arab JP,. Arancibia JP, Candia R, Riquelme A, Barrera F. Liver Disease A neglected complication of Diabetes Mellitus. In: Bagchi D, Sreejayan N (eds)NUTRITIONAL-AND-THERAPEUTIC-INTERVENTIONS-OF-DIABETES-AND-METABOLIC-SYNDROME Elsevier/Academic Press) 2011
- Arab JP, Glasinovic E, Arrese M “COLESTASIS: FISIOPATOLOGÍA Y TRATAMIENTO”, en Avances en Hepatología 2012. Tagle M, Bussalleu A (eds.) Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 2012 pp. 125-141
- Arab JP, Arrese M. Colestasis. En: Weitz JC, Berger Z, Sabah S, Silva H. (eds.) Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las enfermedades digestivas. Editorial IKU. Santiago, Chile. 2013 pp. 291-298.
- Martínez J, Jarufe N, Crovari F, Alvarez S, Arrese M, Pérez R, Guzmán S, Navarro S,Vilches S, Viviani P. Procura de hígado para trasplante hepático ortotópico. entre dos técnicas Rev. Chilena de Cirugía. Vol 57 – Nº 1, Febrero 2005; págs. 26-32.
- Pérez RM, Downey P, Ibáñez P, Goecke H, Soto C, Ortiz M, Huete A, Loyola S, Martínez J, González R, Arrese M. Uso del sistema de soporte hepático extracorpóreo MARS en la falla hepática aguda sobre crónica: Caso clínico Gastr Latinoam 2005; Vol 16, Nº 3: 243-249
- Arrese M. Evaluación de la fibrosis hepática en la práctica clínica: Conceptos actuales y perspectivas. Gastr Latinoam 2006; Vol 17, Nº 2: 260-264
- Morales A, Arrese M. Hígado graso no alcohólico: Patogenia y tratamiento. Gastr Latinoam 2008;21:344-349
- Ramírez C, Arab JP, Riquelme A, Arrese M. Hígado graso no alcohólico: una entidad relevante para el endocrinólogo. Rev. Chil. endocrinol. diabetes 2009; 2 (4): 235-240.
- Barrera F, Arrese M. Virtudes y defectos del índice MELD. Gastroenterol. latinoam 2010; Vol 21, Nº 4: 515-518.
- Arab JP, Ramírez C, Arrese M, Riquelme A. Hepatitis colestásica por Mycoplasma pneumoniae sin compromiso pulmonar. Caso clínico y revisión de la literatura Gastroenterol. latinoam 2010; Vol 21, Nº 2: 85-88.
- Ramírez C, Arab JP, Gran I, Riquelme A, Arrese M.Tratamiento del hígado graso no alcohólico: ¿Qué sabemos? Gastroenterol. latinoam 2010; Vol 21, Nº 3: 344-349.
- Arab JP, Farah A, Pizarro M, Solis N, M, Tejos R, Riquelme A, Arrese M. Alteración de la función secretora biliar en esteatosis hepática experimental. Gastroenterol. latinoam 2011; Vol 22, Nº 4: 296-301
- Arab JP, Ramírez C, Arriagada C, Callejas M Arrese M. Pioglitazona, vitamina E o placebo para el tratamiento de la esteatohepatitis no alcohólica Gastroenterol. latinoam 2012; Vol 23, Nº 3: 170-172
- Arab JP, Zapata JM, Ruiz MI, Bretón A, Palma S,Emperiale V, Astudillo P, Arrese M N-acetilcisteína intravenosa mejora la sobrevida libre de trasplante en estadíos tempranos de falla hepática aguda no-acetaminofeno Gastroenterol. latinoam 2012; Vol 23, Nº 2: 110-112
- Gabrielli M, Galindo JL, Figueroa E, Moisan F, , Arrese M, Benitez C, Soza A, Dominguez P, Perez RM, Guerra J, Jarufe N, Martínez J. Trasplante hepático en pacientes con trombosis de la vena porta. Rev. Chilena de Cirugía.2013;65:139-145
- Rey P, Arrese M. Encefalopatía hepática mínima: conceptos actuales sobre una entidad emergente. Gastroenterol. latinoam 2013; Vol 24, Nº 4: 191-197